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Follow Me

Follow Me – Mark 14:1–31

Sunday, November 22: Follow Me Mark 14:1–31 Mike Tyson once said, “Everybody’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” And while he’s probably not a great role model in general, there’s some definite truth to that idea. We all know how things ought to go, and we can cruise right along until something […]

Follow Me

Follow Me – Mark 13:1–37

Sunday, November 15: Follow Me Mark 13:1–37 What do we need to know to survive the coming Apocalypse? …would be a great example of an attention grabbing headline. When will it happen? What should I stockpile? Where should I bury my many pounds of gold bullion? In our passage today Jesus’ disciples offer a casual comment […]

Follow Me

Follow Me – Mark 12:1–44

Sunday, November 8: Follow Me Mark 12:1–44 Last Sunday, we saw Jesus arrive in Jerusalem and immediately cause a scene in the temple. Pressure has been building between Jesus and the religious leadership of his day, and in Mark 12 things erupt. Having prophesied the destruction of the temple, Jesus turns on the religious leaders and […]

Follow Me

Follow Me – Mark 11:1–33

Sunday, November 1: Follow Me Mark 11:1–33 “Dad, look what I made!” This is what greets me most days when I come home from work (it’s wonderful). Whether it’s wooden blocks, Lincoln Logs, Legos or Minecraft; drawings, music, or crafts; children love to create for their parents. I don’t know that we ever grow out of […]

Follow Me

Follow Me – Mark 8:31–9:1

Sunday, September 27: Follow Me Mark 8:31–9:1 “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” (Mark 8:34 ESV) What does that mean to you? This week we are returning to the Gospel of Mark in a series called Follow Me. In the first eight chapters of […]

Underdogs – Rahab

Sunday, September 13: Underdogs Joshua 2:1–14 If you’ve ever wondered whether you’re the type of person who should be at church, it’s fun to read through the Bible and see what God has to say. An old racist who refused to preach to the Ninivites? Check, God can partner with a Jonah all day. Someone insignificant, […]

Underdogs – Daniel

Sunday, September 6: Underdogs Daniel 6 Life has a way of hitting us hard. Medical crises, unemployment, and trouble with our kids are just some of the ways life can overwhelm us and remind us that we are not in control. How do we respond to these times? From where does our deliverance come? This Sunday […]

Underdogs – Peter

Sunday, August 23: Underdogs Matthew 4:18–20 The life of Peter is a wild ride, he has some ups and downs. He’s got a solid fishing business, and he leaves it behind to follow an unknown, wandering preacher. Jesus singles Peter out as the foundation of the church in one moment, and he’s being rebuked and compared to […]

Underdogs – Mordecai

Sunday, August 16: Underdogs Esther 2:5 – 7:10 When Israel went into Babylonian captivity, the rug was pulled out from under their feet. Everything about their lives—their jobs, their government, their homes, their religion—changed. They underwent the biggest national identity crisis in their history and came out asking the question, “What does it look like to […]

Underdogs – Gideon

Sunday, August 9: Underdogs Judges 6:1–16 Of all the action heroes who you grew up with, saw in movies, read about in books, or even knew personally, who was the greatest? The most powerful, the most compelling, who would be the one you’d call, to use the biblical term, a “Mighty man of valor?” It’s surprising […]

Underdogs – Job

Sunday, August 2: Underdogs Job What makes Job an underdog? Very few people in the whole wide world have experienced more pain and loss than Job did. You might even say that the deck was completely stacked against Job, and yet he survives his trials. If there was one person who had the ability to ask […]

Underdogs – Jonah

Sunday, July 26: Underdogs Jonah What makes Jonah an underdog? In my opinion, anyone who tries to run from God, gets tossed off a ship in the middle of storm, ends up inside the belly of fish for a three-day timeout, until he is literally barfed up on a beach, qualifies as an underdog. Everyone knows […]

Underdogs – Ruth

Sunday, July 19: Underdogs Ruth “The providences of God are like Hebrew words: they can only be properly read backwards.” John Flavel Last Sunday we started a new summer study series called, “Underdogs.” An underdog is the opposite of a top dog. In sports, or in a competition, it refers to the team or person expected […]

Underdogs – Esther

Sunday, July 12: Underdogs Esther Have you ever felt like you were insignificant in the kingdom of God? Have you ever thought that maybe God is able to do great things through others, but not through you? Have you ever felt like an underdog? This week we are launching into a new sermon series called Underdogs. In it, […]

Joshua Devotional

Joshua – Joshua 24:1-33

Sunday, June 14: Joshua Joshua 24:1-33 Joshua 24 recounts the last words of Joshua to the people of Israel. This is after the many years of battle, through the conquest of Canaan, and through the varying degrees of faithfulness that the Israelites have shown to God. Through it all God has remained steadfast, just, and faithful. […]

Joshua Devotional

Joshua – Joshua 13-22

Sunday, June 7: Joshua Joshua 13-22 In Genesis 15:18, God makes a promise to a childless old wanderer: “To your offspring I give this land.” That old man would go on to become the father of a great nation, and for over 600 years his descendants would cling to that promise. Land. Rest. In that time, […]

Joshua Devotional

Joshua – Joshua 10-13:7

Sunday, May 31: Joshua Joshua 10-13:7 Israel’s decision to start from the instructions of God and to make a covenant with some of the Canaanites has some unexpected consequences this week. Not just for the Israelites, but also for the Gibeonites who have been folded into the family of God. The decision to follow after God […]

Joshua Devotional

Joshua – Joshua 7-8

Sunday, May 17: Joshua Joshua 7-8 Two weeks ago, we saw God perform one of his most famous miracles in bringing down the walls of Jericho. From the outside, Jericho looked impenetrable. Fortified walls six feet thick. No one came in. No one went out. But not even that could stop God and He delivered the […]

Joshua Devotional

Joshua – Joshua 1:1-9

Sunday, April 19: Joshua Joshua 1:1-9 Do you know who Jarrett Stidham is? (No cheating with an internet search.) I’ll give you a minute. With Tom Brady departing to play quarterback for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Jarrett Stidham is currently the starting quarterback for the New England Patriots. I feel bad for that guy! Imagine stepping […]

Easter 2020

Sunday, April 12: Easter 2 Peter 1:16-21 I hope you are as excited for Easter as I am! Last week, Jeremiah finished our series on Mark 1–8. The first half of Mark ends with Jesus asking his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” I imagine the disciples were pretty hesitant to speak up, but […]

Son of God -Mark 7:1–37

Sunday, March 22: Son of God Mark 7:1–37 How is the social distancing going? As it turns out, this week we will be talking about the importance of washing your hands. Seriously. That’s our text for the week. But it’s not what you think. In Mark 7, Jesus gets into a debate with the Pharisees about […]

Son of God – Mark 6:1–13

Sunday, March 1: Son of God Mark 6:1–13 In Mark 5, Jesus performs his most amazing miracle yet. The synagogue ruler Jairus tells Jesus that his sweet little girl is dying and begs Jesus to save her. Jesus agrees, but before he reaches the man’s house, the girl passes. Jairus’ servants meet him on the road […]

Son of God – Mark 5:1–20

Sunday, February 16: Son of God Mark 5:1–20   In Mark 5:1–20, Jesus and his disciples arrive at other side of the Sea of Galilee, in the region of the Gerasenes. As soon as they get off the boat, they are confronted by a hostile figure—a man possessed by the demon Legion. Jesus and the demon(s) battle until Legion […]

Son of God – Mark 2:13–3:6

Sunday, January 19: Son of God Mark 2:13–3:6 Do you have that friend who is an amazing storyteller? The one who, even when you have previously heard the story, makes it dynamic with their energy and enthusiasm? The Gospel of Mark is kind of like that. Mark, with enthusiasm and energy, loves to tell the story of Jesus! […]

Son of God – Mark 1:1–20

Sunday, January 5: Son of God Mark 1:1–20 Happy New Year! New year; new sermon series. This Sunday we are diving into the Gospel of Mark in a series called Son of God. Mark is a story about Jesus. It has all the elements of a good story: setting, characters, plotline, and themes; and the central conflict of the narrative is: Who is Jesus? Now, […]

Bound by the Spirit – Acts 25:1–27

Sunday, December 1: Bound by the Spirit Acts 25:1–27   Every person who wonders about the truth of the Christian faith should answer this question. What was it that transformed a hot-headed, self-righteous, law-keeping, Christian-killing Pharisee named Saul, into a gracious, unselfish, Christian missionary and servant of Christ named the Apostle Paul? What took place to make that happen? The short answer starts with an event recorded in Acts 9. On the […]

Bolivia Sunday 2019

Sunday, November 24: Bolivia Sunday 2019 Ten years ago, we entered into a partnership with Food for the Hungry to work in a Bolivian community called Ushpa Ushpa. In 2010, things were bleak in Ushpa Ushpa—there was no clean water, the schools were under-resourced, parents were compromising their kids’ safety to make ends meet, and […]

Bound by the Spirit – Acts 24:1–27

Sunday, November 17: Bound by the Spirit Acts 24:1–27 Procrastination. There must be ten thousand websites on it, covering scholarly essays, articles in psychological journals and university studies. There are tests you can take to quantify how bad off you are. Apparently, twenty percent of us can be identified as chronic procrastinators. You can even find […]


Sunday, September 8: Generous If you don’t mind, I would like you to take a short survey. Below are five statements. Please answer with either, True or False.                                                  I have, at least once, spent money unwisely. T or F? I have, at least once, compared myself with someone else financially. T or F? I […]

Mission Recap 2019

“Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you! Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon earth.” (Psalm 67:3–4 ESV) Psalm 67 reminds us that God reigns over all the nations, not just Israel. One of our callings as […]

Psalms – Psalm 23

Sunday, August 25: Psalms Psalm 23 “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4 ESV) Is there a better verse in the whole Bible? Probably not. Psalm 23 is arguably the best-written […]

Psalms – Psalm 46

Sunday, August 18: Psalms Psalm 46 Be still and know that I am God. Some of you might remember an old song from the 60’s: He’s Got the Whole World in his Hands. Don’t try to sing it or even hum it. It can drive you crazy if you can’t get the tune out of […]

Psalms – Psalm 133

Sunday, August 11: Psalms Psalm 133 We’re going to be continuing our sermon series on the Psalms and looking at Psalm 133, a brief Psalm on the goodness of unity. There are familiar adages that say, “Two heads are better than one.” or “United we stand, divided we fall.” We get that it’s better not […]

Psalms – Psalm 40

Sunday, August 4: Psalms Psalm 40 This week we are going to take a look at Psalm 40. The overarching theme within Psalm 40 is the work of Christ in our waiting. We are called to wait on the Lord, but what does waiting on the Lord even look like? It’s one of those commonly used “christian-ese” […]

Psalms – Psalm 137

Sunday, July 28: Psalms Psalm 137 This week, we are continuing our theme of praying The Psalms. Last week, we looked at Psalm 88—a raw, emotional outpour to the LORD. This week, we are looking at another emotionally charged psalm: Psalm 137. Psalm 137:9 says, “Blessed shall be he who takes your little ones and […]

Psalms – Psalm 88

Sunday, July 21: Psalms Psalm 88 In his book, Answering God, Eugene Peterson notes that The Psalms differ from most of the Scriptures in that they are often not written about God, but rather to God. He writes:“Our habit is to talk about God, not to him. We love discussing God. The Psalms resist these […]

Psalms – Psalm 121

Sunday, July 14: Psalms Psalm 121 Psalm 121 has been called the traveler’s Psalm, or the Soldier’s Psalm, because it engages with the reality that sometimes we run into tough spots. The path gets hard, there are uncertainties, there are questions of how we’ll even make it through, and it can seem like there’s no […]

Psalms – Psalm 27

Sunday, July 7: Psalms Psalm 27 What would you say is the most common command in Scripture? Before you answer I’ll tell what it’s not. It’s not for us to be more loving. That may be at the center of God’s heart for us but that’s not his most frequent instruction. It’s also not to be less […]

Psalms – Psalm 1

Sunday, June 30: Psalms Psalm 1 The Principle of the Path by pastor and writer Andy Stanley is one of my favorite books. It’s about the many paths available to us in life that lead to various destinations. Some are good. Some are bad. Some lead to joy and others, sadly, lead to pain and heartache. The […]

Psalms – Psalm 34

Sunday, June 23: Psalms Psalm 34 We’re kicking off our Summer series in the Psalms by reading a Psalm of David in a pretty strange time of his life. He’s coming off of a pretty big military victory, he’s been honoring God with his words and with his deeds, when out of nowhere, his friends become his […]

Baptism 2019

Sunday, June 16: Baptism The other day, my daughter screeched at me, “DAD! You haven’t been listening to a word I have been saying!!!!” What a strange way to start a conversation. Be thinking of your favorite dad jokes and make sure there is propane in the barbecue, because this Sunday is Father’s Day! It’s […]


Moses – Numbers 16

Sunday, May 19: Moses Numbers 16 We all have a rebellious streak resident within us. The only difference is the size of the stripe. The problem of rebellion against authority is as age old as Adam and Eve sinning in the garden. From then on, rebellion became a part of the human condition. If you […]


Moses April 28th 2019

Hi! Thanks for joining us in our series about Moses. Today we talked about how we often need something in front of us to feel connected to God. What things do you place before God? Do you feel like you get closer to God through good times or dark times? Have a listen to today’s […]


Moses – Exodus 16

Sunday, March 31: Moses Exodus 16 The Israelites still don’t trust God? Even after the plagues? Even after the Red Sea being split? Actually, this week in Exodus 16 we see the patient provision of a loving God. When the Israelites still grumbled, God chose to give them ‘manna’ from heaven. But they would soon […]


Moses – Exodus 13–15

Sunday, March 24: Moses Exodus 13–15 Having been freed from slavery in Egypt, the Israelite people find themselves setting off in a new direction. For the first time since they were enslaved the Israelites are confronted with the immensity of the question, “What now?” Now that we don’t have to make bricks everyday, now that […]


Moses – Exodus 11–12

Sunday, March 17: Moses Exodus 11–12 As God continues to make himself known to Pharaoh, Moses, and everybody in Egypt really, the ever-more dangerous plagues finally reach their crescendo in chapters 11 and 12. In the tenth plague we see the final consequences of a life lived in opposition to God, death. While the death […]


Moses – Exodus 5–11

Sunday, February 10: Moses Exodus 5–11 Last week, Gary shared a quote from A.W. Tozer: “What we think about when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” There is truth to this. Your thoughts about God affect much of your life and behavior. If you think God is judgmental, you’re going […]


Moses – Exodus 3–4

Sunday, March 3: Moses Exodus 3–4 God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’” (Exodus 3:14) Last week we left Moses in bare feet, standing in front of a shrub burning with the presence of God, when the Lord […]


Moses Exodus – 2:11–3:12

Sunday, February 10: Moses Exodus 2:11–3:12 Even for those who are not all that familiar with the Bible, almost everyone knows the story of Moses. If you’re on the younger side, you probably saw, The Prince of Egypt. If you’re a little older, you might remember Cecil B DeMille’s classic biopic, The Ten Commandments. The life of Moses […]


Moses Exodus – 2:1–10

Sunday, February 17: Moses Exodus 2:1–10 If you were to make a Mount Rushmore of Old Testament figures, who would you put on it? (One rule: you can’t say “Jesus.”)You’d probably put Abraham on it. After all, the three major western religions all trace their origins to Abraham. You might put Jacob on it. The […]

Lord of All – Acts 17:1–15

Sunday, January 13: Lord of All Acts 17:1–15 What do we mean when we say “Jesus is Lord”? What is He lord of? A country? A people? An idea? And what about other so-called “lords”? What are they lords of? Last week’s message on Acts 16 ended with Paul leaving the Roman colony Philippi in relative peace […]

Christmas – Luke 2:1-12

Sunday, December 23: Christmas Luke 2:1-12 And the angel said to them (the shepherds), “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.  And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in […]