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Sermons on Meaning

Samuel – Preview

Sunday, January 2: Samuel Preview It’s a new year, and with that we are starting a new sermon series! This Sunday we will be launching into a thirteen-week series on the life of the prophet Samuel. Samuel was a remarkable man. He was the last of Israel’s judges—and arguably the best one. He led Israel […]

The Parables 09.26.21

Sunday, September 26: The Parables The ballerina Isadora Duncan was once asked backstage what a particular dance meant, and she responded, “If I could explain it with words, I wouldn’t have to dance.” In some forms of communication, the medium is the message. This week, we are starting a new series on the parables of […]

Baby Dedication

Baby Dedication and Mother’s Day

Sunday, May 9: Baby Dedication and Mother’s Day Happy Mother’s Day, Believers Fellowship!This Sunday we’re celebrating the members of our church family who have been entrusted with the weighty task of raising up children. In the book of Matthew, Jesus chose to describe himself as a mother hen, gathering his chicks to him, to describe his […]

Son of God -Mark 7:1–37

Sunday, March 22: Son of God Mark 7:1–37 How is the social distancing going? As it turns out, this week we will be talking about the importance of washing your hands. Seriously. That’s our text for the week. But it’s not what you think. In Mark 7, Jesus gets into a debate with the Pharisees about […]

Joseph – Genesis 44:1–34

Sunday, February 25: Joseph Genesis 44:1–34 In his book on Joseph, God Meant it for Good, R.T. Kendall writes about the material in Genesis 44, “[Y]ou cannot have your life to live over again. What is done is done. Even the blood of Jesus cannot undo the past. It can forgive the past and make you […]

I am with you – John 17:1-5

What do you think of when you hear the word “glory”? A high school football state championship? A standing ovation after a speech or a performance? The look of pride in your parents’ eyes after a great accomplishment? We all take glory in different things. What do you think it takes to receive glory from […]