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Sermons from July 2019

Psalms – Psalm 137

Sunday, July 28: Psalms Psalm 137 This week, we are continuing our theme of praying The Psalms. Last week, we looked at Psalm 88—a raw, emotional outpour to the LORD. This week, we are looking at another emotionally charged psalm: Psalm 137. Psalm 137:9 says, “Blessed shall be he who takes your little ones and […]

Psalms – Psalm 88

Sunday, July 21: Psalms Psalm 88 In his book, Answering God, Eugene Peterson notes that The Psalms differ from most of the Scriptures in that they are often not written about God, but rather to God. He writes:“Our habit is to talk about God, not to him. We love discussing God. The Psalms resist these […]

Psalms – Psalm 121

Sunday, July 14: Psalms Psalm 121 Psalm 121 has been called the traveler’s Psalm, or the Soldier’s Psalm, because it engages with the reality that sometimes we run into tough spots. The path gets hard, there are uncertainties, there are questions of how we’ll even make it through, and it can seem like there’s no […]

Psalms – Psalm 27

Sunday, July 7: Psalms Psalm 27 What would you say is the most common command in Scripture? Before you answer I’ll tell what it’s not. It’s not for us to be more loving. That may be at the center of God’s heart for us but that’s not his most frequent instruction. It’s also not to be less […]