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Find God. Be a Friend. Make a Difference.

Life at Believers Fellowship

Have you ever walked into the doors of a church and thought, “This place just feels right”? That is the kind of atmosphere that we’ve created here at Believers Fellowship. We want our church to be a hub for meeting others and joining them on a shared spiritual journey. While we would be thrilled to see you here on a Sunday morning, we hope that you will also choose to connect to our community through a small group or another one of our ministries.

While Christianity is a personal faith, we don’t believe that it is an individualistic faith. We believe that we were created to serve God together. In fact, the Scriptures teach that the healthiest way to grow is by connecting to a spiritual group.

In Ephesians 4:15–16, the Apostle Paul wrote, “. . . [By] speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” (NIV)


Our Children’s Ministry creates a safe environment for your child to hear God’s word, have fun with other kids, and serve in the community.

Middle School

The Middle School ministry meets on Sunday and Thursday. The students hear from God’s word in an atmosphere that is fun and engaging.

High School

High School students meet on Wednesday to hear a biblical message tailored to their life-stage, connect to other students, and build relationships with adult mentors who care for them and help them navigate the teen years.

Men & Women

There are numerous ways for Men and Women to connect in Bible studies and events just for them.

Life Groups

Life Groups meet in various locations and study the Bible, a book, or sermon-based curriculum.