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Our Leadership Structure and Staff

“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ,” wrote Paul almost 2000 years ago (1 Corinthians 11:1 NIV).

Have you ever met someone and thought, “This person just seems to know God”? That’s the quality that we look for in a leader at Believers Fellowship—someone whose life reflects the character of God.

At Believers Fellowship we recognize two distinct but complementary offices of servant-leaders that have responsibility in managing the affairs of the church:


The elders serve the congregation as shepherds (pastors) and overseers by leading, guiding, guarding, teaching, and praying. The board of elders gives special attention to governing the church, keeping it focused on its mission, caring for the spiritual welfare of its people and providing counsel, direction, and support to the staff. Some of our elders also serve on the staff in pastoral ministries.


The deacons complement the ministry of the elders and serve the church in a variety of practical ways. The deacons give special attention to managing and administrating help for worship services, the Lord’s Supper, facilities, finances, special projects, and caring for individual and family needs as they arise.

Ministry Directors and Staff

The staff of Believers Fellowship carry out a variety of leading, serving, and administrative functions in the church. From our teachers to our home group leaders to the people who keep our facilities in top shape, we want the leaders at Believers Fellowship to show us what it means to follow Christ.