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Brooke Pearson

After Brooke graduated from Moody Bible Institute Chicago, her husband, Johnny Pearson, accepted a position at Believers Fellowship in 2007. She has had a variety of jobs over the years, including working with Student Ministries and assisting the Ministries Director. Currently, Brooke is serving as our First Impressions Coordinator. She also helps with mid-week childcare for those attending MomCo.

If you had a day completely to yourself (and you weren’t allowed to do something responsible), what would you do?

If I had a day completely to myself and I wasn’t allowed to be responsible I would probably sleep in (I have 3 little kids at home) ;). Then I would spend the day over coffee with friends, quiet time with a good book or Bible study in a cozy place and then on a pretty walk with my family. I would finish it off with a date with my hubby exploring or doing something adventurous, eating yummy food somewhere new and trendy, and going to a performance at a theater in Seattle (preferably a musical!).

Vacation at the beach or vacation in the mountains? Why?

If I got to choose a vacation at the beach OR in the mountains, it would depend on the time of year. In the fall or winter, I would love a getaway at a cabin in the mountains surrounded by snow. I would soak in a hot tub, build snowmen, go sledding and play board games with my family and curl up in a cozy warm chair by a window with a view of the mountains. If it was spring or summer, I long for sunshine so I would definitely want to stay in a beach house right on the sand spending my days relaxing in the sun, going for morning walks by the water coffee in hand, and playing on the beach with my family.