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Believers Fellowship relies on the faithful generosity of its members to meet our financial obligations and fund our ministries. While we do not pass a collection plate on Sunday mornings there are several ways for you to give. The basic options are listed below. If you would like more details, including how to get and use the Church Center app to give, please click or tap here for the Giving Brochure.

  1. There are two collection boxes located in the back of the church. Simply drop a check or cash into either box on Sunday morning. You can also mail a check directly to the church.
  2. You may use the bill pay services of your bank to send a check to the church. Most banks allow you to set up an automatic or one-time payment.
  3. To give online, click on the button below. You will be taken to a secure site that will give you the option to make a one-time or a recurring gift in any amount. You may use a credit/debit card or have money withdrawn directly from your bank account (ACH).


Receipts and Giving Statements

Believers Fellowship records online giving as well as those who give by check. If you have provided an email address, you will receive a receipt by email. You will also be sent an annual giving statement in January.

If you use Church Center, you may view your giving history at any time by choosing “View Profile” from the “Me” page. Then click or tap on “My Giving.”

Thank you for your generosity!

Believers Fellowship Privacy and Refund Policy