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Sermons by Johnny Pearson

Psalms – Psalm 72

Sunday, June 23, 2024 Psalm 72 I used to go through the Old Testament with the youth group every few years. The series was essentially an overview of each genre and book. We called the series ‘The Bible Jesus Read.’ It’s so powerful to know what influenced a nation to know and understand how God […]

Glory – John 18:28–40

Sunday, March 10, 2023 John 18:28–40 Jesus’ path to Glory is filled with curves and U-turns. Jesus is in a trial for his life, and he is getting bounced around from one leader to another. From the former high priest to the current high priest. From one Roman authority to another (Pilate is in charge […]

Glory – John 17:1–5

Sunday, February 4, 2023 John 17:1–5 As a church, we should be excited to get back into John! We are going to finish the Gospel of John over the next few months, and will celebrate together through Easter and beyond! As we turn the page on vision, hopefully you know our mission as a church. […]

Signs – John 8:48–59

Sunday, February 12: Signs John 8:48–59 I was in my twenties when I attended my first real debate. A professor of mine was invited by the University of Indiana to debate on the existence of God. My impressionable young Moody mind was intrigued by my current philosophy professor taking on the anthropology professor of a […]

Signs – John 2:13-25

Sunday, October 2: Signs John 2:13-25 This week we peek into the past as Jesus enters the temple during Passover. When you read that sentence, where does your mind go? What are you picturing? Well, whatever you think of when you hear “enter the temple during Passover…” you need to make it bigger in your […]

Signs – John 1:19–34

Sunday, September 11: Signs John 1:19–34 We continue our series through the gospel of John this Sunday. In our passage, we get our first witness to the light of the world, John the Baptist. John lived a unique life, set apart from the world around him for a specific purpose. He had one job: To prepare […]

Free – Galatians 3:15–4:7

Sunday, May 2: Free Galatians 3:15–4:7 This week we continue our series in Galatians called “Free.” Paul (the author of Galatians) has given us much needed reminders for our times. It is so easy to slip into “doing things” in order to receive blessings. The past handful of weeks have been a firehose of grace! This week […]

Christmas 2020

Sunday, December 20: Christmas Luke 2:1–10 We gather to worship and recognize the glory that is Emmanuel. God with us! This week we focus in on the nativity! In this family-friendly message, we explore what each of the holiday decorations may have been thinking. What did the shepherds feel when they were included at this celebration? How […]

Son of God – Mark 2:13–3:6

Sunday, January 19: Son of God Mark 2:13–3:6 Do you have that friend who is an amazing storyteller? The one who, even when you have previously heard the story, makes it dynamic with their energy and enthusiasm? The Gospel of Mark is kind of like that. Mark, with enthusiasm and energy, loves to tell the story of Jesus! […]


Moses – Exodus 16

Sunday, March 31: Moses Exodus 16 The Israelites still don’t trust God? Even after the plagues? Even after the Red Sea being split? Actually, this week in Exodus 16 we see the patient provision of a loving God. When the Israelites still grumbled, God chose to give them ‘manna’ from heaven. But they would soon […]