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Glory – John 17:1–5

Sunday, February 4, 2023

John 17:1–5

As a church, we should be excited to get back into John! We are going to finish the Gospel of John over the next few months, and will celebrate together through Easter and beyond!

As we turn the page on vision, hopefully you know our mission as a church. Here is a recap of our previous series!

The elders have identified a mission statement that is meant to be timeless. Believers Fellowship exists to worship God in spirit and in truth, grow in authentic relationship with God and each other, and share the life changing truth of Jesus with grace. These three tenets are entwined as we live this out.

Our vision is unique to Believers Fellowship in 2024. God has called us to this unique place and time in history to be used by Him. We get to identify how we can be on mission with the people and staff God has brought to BF.

Our one sentence vision for 2024 is “DISCIPLE the people in front of us.”

This week we jump back into John. We have identified that “part three” focuses on Glory. This week we will see that the time has come to Glorify God through Jesus fulfilling his mission. And in turn, Jesus will be glorified as he glorifies the Father. And we get to be a part of the story!

See you this Sunday as we look at Jesus praying. We get to see how Jesus prays, and we get to join him in brining glory to Jesus and the Father.


Service times are at 9:00 & 11:00. If you can’t make it in person, you can watch live at those times.

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