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'Upper Room Discourse' Tagged Sermons

I am with you – John 17:20-26

Jesus has finished his sermon in the Upper Room and is now in the process of closing in prayer. So far he has prayed for himself. He has also prayed for his disciples, whom he will soon be leaving behind. But in John 17:20-26, at the end of his last public prayer before his death, he turns […]

I am with you – John 17:1-5

What do you think of when you hear the word “glory”? A high school football state championship? A standing ovation after a speech or a performance? The look of pride in your parents’ eyes after a great accomplishment? We all take glory in different things. What do you think it takes to receive glory from […]

I am with you Introduction

Imagine that you were one of Jesus’ disciples. You’ve traveled with Jesus for 3 years now and you’ve recently witnessed his most amazing work—raising his friend Lazarus from the dead. But just as Jesus’ ministry was starting to make sense and your excitement for the future was at its height, Jesus drops a bomb on […]