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I am with you – John 14:1-14

By John 14:1-14, Jesus and his disciples have just finished what has come to be called “The Last Supper.” But the disciples didn’t know it was the “last supper” until the Lord dropped a bombshell into the conversation not long after he had washed their feet.

Out of the clear blue he tells them that he is leaving. He hasn’t spelled out where he is going but he has clearly said that he is not staying. (We know, of course, that he’s talking about the cross – but they don’t.)

As you can imagine, to men who had left everything to follow him, this is a life-shattering revelation. They didn’t see it coming. With a simple declaration, he has pulled the rug out from underneath all of their hopes and dreams and sent them crashing to the floor.

Jesus, however, gently picks up the shattered pieces with two astonishing and improbable promises. It turns out that his departure doesn’t mean their future is uncertain nor does it mean that his work on earth is finished. In fact, in most ways it was just getting started. See you on Sunday.


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