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Sermons on Faith

Glory – John 21:19–25

Sunday, April 28, 2024 Glory – John 21:19–25 This week we are wrapping up the book of John and as we learned last week, chapter 21 is more of an epilogue to this wonderful story. Last week we left off with Peter and Jesus having this conversation filled with forgiveness and assurance. This week’s passage […]

Glory – John 19:17–30

Sunday, March 24, 2023 John 19:17–30 This Sunday marks the beginning of Passion Week, when we give special attention to the cross. It culminates on Easter, on which we celebrate Christ’s resurrection in glory! We’re all excited for Easter, but let’s not rush there. Crucifixion comes before resurrection. Throughout the first 18 chapters of John, […]

Jonah – Jonah 4

Sunday, December 17, 2023 Jonah – Jonah 4 Merry Christmas! I hope you are having a blessed Advent season. At my house, the lights are up, the tree is decorated, and the house is filled with the sound of Christmas music and the smell of Christmas cookies. It has been a wonderful season of reflecting […]

Jonah – Jonah 3

Sunday, December 10, 2023 Jonah 3 One of the best known second chances in literature is given to a man named Ebenezer Scrooge, in a story called “The Christmas Carol.” (My favorite version is “The Muppet Christmas Carol.”) We find early on that Scrooge’s greed has earned him the same punishment as his former business […]

Jonah – Jonah 2

Sunday, December 3, 2023 Jonah 2 One of my earlier memories is a tale of summertime loss, and a quick rescue. I vividly remember a moment of panic, followed by all the sadness a four-year-old could feel when I tripped and slammed a McDonald’s ice cream cone onto the ground. I had been running without […]

Jonah – Jonah 1

Sunday, November 26, 2023 Jonah 1 Three verses into reading the Book of Jonah, and you know that it is a book unlike any other in the Bible. The Lord speaks to the prophet Jonah and tells him to go to the Assyrian city of Nineveh and speak against it. The first odd thing we notice […]

Remain – John 14:1–14

Sunday, October 1, 2023 John 14:1–14 On our way back from visiting my parents in Virginia this past summer, my family got off the plane at SeaTac and one of my kids said, “I love the way Washington smells.” I agree. I had thought it, too. I don’t know if it’s the evergreen trees or […]

Letters to the Churches – 2 Thessalonians

Sunday, August 20, 2023 2 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians continues Paul’s teaching and discipleship of the young church in Thessalonica. His letter provides important encouragement and hope that speaks to believers throughout human history. Paul encourages the believers to stand firm in their faith despite persecution and to trust that Jesus will come again bringing justice […]

Restore – Joel 3:1-16

Sunday, June 11, 2023 Joel 3:1-16 If you’ve ever been caught slacking off or cutting corners at work, you know it’s not a great feeling. If you get caught by your boss’ supervisor it’s even worse. Continue up the chain and your day just gets worse and worse. But if the CEO or the founder […]

Signs – John 12:37–50

Sunday, April 30, 2023 John 12:37–50 The end of the twelfth chapter in John’s gospel is the conclusion of Jesus’ public ministry. In his final remarks, he reminds us that all that he has done and spoken was from God the Father. If we believe in him, we will also have believed the Father. But Jesus’ […]

Signs – John 12:27–36

Sunday, April 23, 2023 John 12:27–36 If you had one chance to share a message with the entire world, what would you say? What if you were chosen to be a colonist on Mars—sent off on a one-way trip with no future contact with earth. Before boarding the rocket, with television cameras and microphones in […]

Signs – John 11:45–12:11

Sunday, March 26: Signs John 11:45–12:11 Imagine for a moment you received an insider stock tip (don’t worry, you won’t go to jail for this exercise!). A small pharmaceutical company has recently discovered a cure for a debilitating disease, and your insider tip is that this drug will receive FDA approval and the value of […]

Signs – John 8:48–59

Sunday, February 12: Signs John 8:48–59 I was in my twenties when I attended my first real debate. A professor of mine was invited by the University of Indiana to debate on the existence of God. My impressionable young Moody mind was intrigued by my current philosophy professor taking on the anthropology professor of a […]

Signs – John 8:37–47

Sunday, February 5: Signs John 8:37–47 If you’ve ever heard the phrase, “He’s a chip off the old block” or “He’s his daddy’s son” you know that context is important. Just accomplished something incredible? Compliment. Just fell-tripped over your own two feet? Probably not a compliment. In either case, the idea is “You’re just like […]

Signs – John 8:31–36

Sunday, January 29: Signs John 8:31–36 Freedom is a concept that’s near and dear to the heart of America. We’re proud to dump that tea in the harbor, and just as proud to exercise our freedom to drink tea every day, should we so desire. We value the freedom to choose our elected officials, to choose […]

Signs – John 8:12–30

Sunday, January 22: Signs John 8:12–30 God can be frustratingly difficult to see sometimes. “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork,” the psalmist tells us (Psalm 19:1 ESV). But, for every beautiful sunset that inspires, there is a terrible hurricane that destroys. It is difficult for us to […]

Signs – John 7:40–53

Sunday, January 8: Signs John 7:40–53 Following Jesus’ explosive announcement in John 7:37 and 38 that he is the source of life that the people are celebrating, an announcement which was made at the height of the festival and in the middle of the temple itself, there is some division about who he is. The […]

Signs – John 7:28–39

Sunday, January 1: Signs John 7:28–39 Sometimes the best way to teach something new is to build off an existing idea. You set a foundation, and brick by brick, work with people to build up something new. Whether it’s mathematics, writing out letters, or growing our crops, we start simple and move into the profound. […]

Signs – John 7:1–36

Sunday, December 11: Signs John 7:1–36 In chapter 7 of John, we read through a bit of a pause in the action part of Jesus’ ministry. People have an opportunity to consider all the things that they’ve seen this Jesus person do, and even potentially come to some conclusions as to how it affects their lives. […]

Signs – John 4:1–45

Sunday, October 23: Signs John 4:1–45 There is more to life than what is obvious to our senses. Deep in our bones, we sense that there is Someone out there; that we are not alone and that there is purpose and meaning to existence. Every Sunday, we gather to recognize the invisible reality. We acknowledge […]

Signs – John 3:1–21

Sunday, October 9: Signs John 3:1–21 A Pharisee is probably not the nicest name to be called these days. For us, it has an almost exclusively negative connotation (if it’s used at all.) People who outwardly kept the rules while harboring inward corruption were the people that Jesus had some of the harshest rebuke for. […]

Signs – John 2:1–12

Sunday, September 25: Signs John 2:1–12 Last week, we saw Jesus call his first disciples. Andrew and another unnamed disciple (I think it was probably John himself) were disciples of John the Baptist before they left to follow Jesus. Imagine what this transition must have been like for them. John was bold and eccentric. He […]

Signs – John 1:35–51

Sunday, September 18: Signs John 1:35–51 St. Augustine once said about the Gospel of John: “It is shallow enough for a child not to drown, yet deep enough for an elephant to swim in it.” This is certainly true of John 1:35–51! In the latter verses of John 1, the evangelist recounts the story of […]

Living Stones – 1 Peter 2:11–25

Sunday, May 1: Living Stones 1 Peter 2:11–25 Theodore Roosevelt is credited with having said, “Knowing what’s right doesn’t mean much unless you do what’s right.” Jesus said something similar in Matthew 7: “You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good […]

Living Stones – 1 Peter 1:1–3

Sunday, April 3: Living Stones 1 Peter 1:1–3 The world is changing. Advances in technology, communication, and transportation have brought global cultures together in ways previously unimaginable. I think we all feel the changes. Cultural change isn’t limited to language, food, and customs, we have also noticed a shift in values. Sometimes it feels like our […]

Samuel – 1 Samuel 28

Sunday, March 27: Samuel 1 Samuel 28 This week we say goodbye to our friend Samuel. It’s been a great series, but this Sunday it comes to an end. We’ve learned a lot from Samuel—he taught us how to pray and trust God. He taught us how to listen for God’s voice and he showed […]

Samuel – 1 Samuel 8

Sunday, February 13: Samuel 1 Samuel 8 Last week, we saw the culmination of the judges system in Israel. After hundreds of years of failure, Samuel finally got the office right. He fully trusted in God and got Israel to put away their idols and pray. God worked through him and delivered Israel from the […]

Samuel – Samuel 7

Sunday, February 6: Samuel Samuel 7 Last week, we saw Israel in a hard place. Defeated by the Philistines in battle, the future was unsure. Had God abandoned them? Would they fall back into slavery? What was the path forward? In that passage, the elders conclude that the reason they lost the battle was because […]

Samuel – Samuel 4

Sunday, January 30: Samuel Samuel 4 What has been the most glorious moment of your life so far? A game-winning touchdown? A scholarship or award? A big promotion? A wedding proposal? Looking back on your life so far, when would you say you “peaked?” In 1 Samuel 4, Israel loses its glory. First, it suffers military […]