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Restore – Joel 2:28–32

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Joel 2:28–32

In Romans 4:17, Paul tells us that God “gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist.” God is the giver of life. He created Adam from the dirt. He called Lazarus out of the tomb. He gives life to the lifeless.

What if that same life-giving Spirit dwelt within us?

We are in a sermon series on The Book of Joel called Restore. A lot of the book is about a locust invasion. Joel begins by relaying God’s message about the incoming locusts. Because Israel had broken faith with God, they were about to experience the curses of the covenant. Then at the beginning of chapter 2, Joel has a challenge for Israel: since they know that God is merciful, they should change their ways and cry out to Him for deliverance. Finally, at the end of Joel 2, the prophet relays a promise: God would restore the years the locusts ate.

Joel 2:27 seems like a good place to end the book. By then, the locusts are gone and the storehouses are once again filled with grain and oil.

But Joel doesn’t stop there. As it turns out, the main message of Joel isn’t about locusts at all. God has more in store for his people. The promises of God extend to more than just locusts, wine, grain and oil—God promises his very presence. “And it shall come to pass,” He says, “that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh” (Joel 2:28).

There’s that life-giving Spirit again, poured out on us.

Join us this week as we talk about our hope: God with us. We will find out what it means to be indwelt with God’s Spirit and how we can experience life with God.

See you Sunday!

Service times are at 9:30 & 11:00. If you can’t make it in person, you can watch live at those times.


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