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Living Stones – 1 Peter 3

Sunday, May 15: Living Stones

1 Peter 3

First Peter was written to Christians who were experiencing hostility for their faith. Christianity was a new religion. The Greco-Roman world didn’t understand it and looked upon it with suspicion.

I think we have all come to accept that at times we will experience misunderstanding for our faith. It doesn’t feel good, but it is par for the course. When you decide to follow Jesus, people will misunderstand you and they might even mistreat you.

But what if this misunderstanding comes from someone you love? What if it comes from your spouse?

Marriage to someone who doesn’t share your faith can be hard. When your spouse doesn’t understand or appreciate a core part of your identity, it can become a barrier to intimacy. Most people in this situation want nothing more than for their spouse to come to faith—not so that they will be a better husband or wife, but because they want their spouse to experience the joy of knowing God.

This is the topic that Peter picks up in chapter 3. How do you best love your unbelieving spouse? How do you share the gospel with them in a way that they will hear it?

While 1 Peter 3 is more about evangelism than it is marriage, there are principles in it that will strengthen any marriage. The passage has been misused and abused, but this Sunday we are going to look at its beauty. I think we’ll all walk away knowing how to love better.

See you on Sunday!

Service times are at 9:30 & 11:00. If you can’t make it in person, you can watch live at those times.


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