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Psalms 2024 – Psalm 42

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Psalm 42

When you feel a despair in your soul…what do you dwell on? What do you turn to?

There are a plethora of negative paths to take…none of which are helpful. Some help can be had by modern solutions of Cognitive Behavior Therapy. But again, it falls short of our true thirst.

Our Psalm this week seeks to answer that question with “hope in the Lord, your salvation and your God.” Dwell on the truth of Jesus and what He has already spoken over us.

But this Psalm doesn’t discount our anxiety, fears, or depression. It doesn’t downplay the reality we are living in. However, it offers truth to put our hope in!

This past week I heard testimony after testimony from teens that were in despair. From doubts to depression. From identity to idols. But every story ended with hope! Whether Jesus spoke to these students in their darkest moments, or the spirit confirmed who they are as children of God (Romans 8:16) every testimony ended like this Psalm. There is real despair in our lives and God is right there with us. There is real pain and God is suffering with us. There is real doubt but we tell ourselves the truth of the Gospel that our hope in Christ will help us overcome.
Service times are at 9:00 & 11:00. If you can’t make it in person, you can watch live at those times.


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