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Samuel – 1 Samuel 10:1–27

Sunday, February 27: Samuel

1 Samuel 10:1–27

Do you know what it means to be “anointed?”

During the time when our passage takes place, the practice of anointing was the act of pouring out oil over the head. There were several applications of anointing, some to demonstrate the establishment of a particular ruler, and some to indicate something even deeper.

Like baptism, anointing was a symbolic and physical representation of a spiritual reality; God’s presence. For Saul, the anointing we’ll read about this week indicated that God had made him the King of Israel. But Saul wasn’t especially enthusiastic at first.

Sometimes it can wonderful to be told that you’re part of a plan that’s not your own, and sometimes it can be downright scary. Might even be the sort of thing we try to hide from.

In our passage today we’ll see at least two ways that we can respond to God’s anointing: hide from it, or press into it.

See you Sunday!


Service times are at 9:30 & 11:00. If you can’t make it in person, you can watch live at those times.


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