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Samuel – 1 Samuel 11:12–12:25

Sunday, March 6: Samuel

1 Samuel 11:12–12:25

Sometimes in life we make mistakes.

Other times in life we make big mistakes.

Some mistakes rock your life. They make you question your identity and doubt the future. They shake your confidence and make you fear the worst.

What do we do when we make mistakes? What do we do when we make big mistakes?

In 1 Samuel 8–12, Israel makes a big mistake: they demand a king, and in so doing reject God.

Big mistake.

In 1 Samuel 12, the prophet confronts Israel with the reality of their rejection of God. God may have allowed them to anoint Saul as their king, but that didn’t change the fact that this signified rejection of the Lord.

What would this mean for the covenant?

Would God still protect them, or would they be dependent on Saul? What would this mean for the future?

The answer to these questions might surprise you.

First Samuel 12 has been called the theological climax of the former prophets. In it, God describes for Israel the theological implications of the monarchy and what this meant for the covenant going forward. It is a theological turning point for the nation, and a lesson for us about how God responds to mistakes.

You’re going to want to be here for this. See you on Sunday!

Service times are at 9:30 & 11:00. If you can’t make it in person, you can watch live at those times.


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