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Signs – John 8:31–36

Sunday, January 29: Signs

John 8:31–36

Freedom is a concept that’s near and dear to the heart of America. We’re proud to dump that tea in the harbor, and just as proud to exercise our freedom to drink tea every day, should we so desire. We value the freedom to choose our elected officials, to choose where we live and who we marry. It’s a part of our country’s DNA to love freedom.

Similarly, Jesus took the time to talk with some folks who believed with their whole hearts they were as free as could be. That freedom was their birthright, and that they’d never been slaves to anyone or anything, thank you very much.

Unsurprisingly, Jesus brought that conversation to a deeper level. He suggested to them, and to us, that apart from knowing the truth, we are slaves. That our ideas of freedom dance around the real issue. That we muddy the waters by appealing to political freedom, or by virtue of our pedigree. What Jesus tells us is that all these things confuse a very simple issue: You are slaves to sin and need to be set free.

Join us this Sunday as we talk about freedom, truth, and what it means to follow after Jesus. See you Sunday.

Service times are at 9:30 & 11:00. If you can’t make it in person, you can watch live at those times.


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