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The Parables – Isaiah 28:23–29

Sunday, October 10: The Parables

Isaiah 28:23–29

Parables are sneaky stories that get us someplace we might not otherwise go on our own. They take something that we’re familiar with, say a father and a son, and use that familiarity to enhance our understanding of much deeper truths.

This week we’re going to stretch a little bit with a parable out of Isaiah. It’s probably not a flannel board type parable, and it’s often called the parable of the plowman and the thresher. It has all the regular aspects of a parable, something familiar (at least to the agriculturally-minded initial audience), and it draws us out into a deeper reality about the character of God. But unlike the parable of the Prodigal Son, where we learn about the unrelenting love of the Father, this passage deals with a more difficult topic, the painful but trustworthy corrections of God.

It can be difficult to talk about aspects of God that don’t emphasize the things we consider pleasant, but a parable might be just the trick to walk us through some tough realities, and reorient us to what God is accomplishing in our lives.

See you Sunday!

Service times are at 9:30 & 11:00. If you can’t make it in person, you can watch live at those times.

One Comment

  1. Excellent job! Outstanding exegesis and explanation of the passage, one that most preachers shy away from. Thank you for these great insights. I found them to be very helpful.

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