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Baby Dedication

Baby Dedication and Mother’s Day

Sunday, May 9: Baby Dedication and Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day, Believers Fellowship!This Sunday we’re celebrating the members of our church family who have been entrusted with the weighty task of raising up children. In the book of Matthew, Jesus chose to describe himself as a mother hen, gathering his chicks to him, to describe his love for us. The willingness to love sacrificially in this way is no easy task, and the decision to dedicate a child to God is an expression of a family’s decision to rely on God as they follow Jesus’ example.

Join us this week as we celebrate the mothers in our congregation, and welcome new members to our church family in baby dedications.

See you on Sunday!

You can participate online at 8:00 AM, 9:30, or 11:00. You can also join us in person at 9:30 or 11:00. No need to register.


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