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Bound by the Spirit – Acts 21:1–36

Sunday, October 20: Bound by the Spirit

Acts 21:1–36

Paul’s not the guy to stay in the same place very long, and this week he’s dead-set on making his way to Rome. He’s going to encounter some resistance along the way though, with opposition from the bad guys and from the home team.

What do you do when even your loved ones try to keep you from going where God has called you? Well, if you’re Paul, you press on. In the face of misunderstandings about who’s a “Real Christian”, in the face of religious opposition that gets downright violent, and, maybe most difficult, in the face of people just worried about your safety. Press on.

In this passage Paul navigates the tricky waters on the way to Rome, demonstrating courage, promoting harmony, and emphasizing the sufficiency of Jesus.

Join us this week as we follow along with Paul’s faithful response to the call of God.


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