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LifeWise Academy offers Bible education for public school students during school hours, providing a program that any community can implement to reach students with the gospel. Very few are aware that this is possible! Classes are held off school property, are privately funded and parent-permitted, and one hour a week for all participating students.  Very […]

Strengthen Your Marriage

We love to support marriages at Believers Fellowship and are thankful to be able to offer you two opportunities to strengthen your marriage. The first is a six-session Vertical Marriage class, which meets Thursday evenings in January and February from 7-8:30 p.m. The cost is $20 per couple, to cover materials. You can register for […]


If you will be joining the Bolivia Trip Team, please register here! If you are interested in learning more about BF’s work with Food For The Hungry Bolivia in 2025, please check out this informational brochure! As you may know, Believers Fellowship is working with Food for the Hungry (FH), recently entering a second, ten-year Community-to-Community […]

New Staff, Welcome

We have some new people on our staff here at Believers Fellowship! We are happy to announce that Junior Flores joins our staff as a Student Ministries Resident, Charlie Muller, as our Children’s Ministry Resident, and Annalee Stockton joins our team as our new Office Coordinator & AV Support Tech. Annalee is our Office Coordinator/AV […]

Church Center

Church Center App

If you’ve been at church on Sundays or watching online, you have heard announcements about Church Center. There is even a QR code on the back of the paper bulletin that gets you there and lots of links in the electronic bulletin to specific places within Church Center. Church Center is a part of Planning […]

Church Office Holiday Schedule

Just a friendly note to let everyone know that the Believers Fellowship church office will be closed between Christmas and New Year’s Day, to allow our staff to spend more time with their families. Please email the office at, or find additional staff emails listed under Leadership, if you need to send a note […]

Sign Up

Sign Up

Now that the Ministry Fair is over, it is important to remind you that you can still sign up for a Bible/book study or a volunteer group by using the Church Center app or website. Just use the links on this page to see all that is available or stop by the Welcome Desk to […]



This month we are collecting funds for former Believers Fellowship members, Dan and Shannon Kain and Tri-M Ministries. Tri-M Ministries works to train ministry leaders in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and around the Mediterranean in Bible, theology and ministry. You can learn more about Dan and Shannon and support them directly after by clicking or tapping […]

Hello Summer

Hello Summer

Hello Summer, Hello Fellowship You may have noticed that as summer approaches, a lot of our regular rhythms of meeting outside Sunday mornings slow down but we still have lots of ways for you to connect! Whether you’re looking to get outdoors with friends or meet up with other moms at the park or flex […]

Children of the Nations

Children of the Nations

In September, we raised funds for a Children of the Nations (CotN) meal packing event. Now we are ready to do the packing! Feeding thousands of children daily is no small task! It is only possible through the efforts of partners and volunteers like you. Through meal packing events, our church will provide food for […]

Youth For Christ

Youth For Christ

We are excited to continue supporting the Tacoma area’s Youth for Christ by highlighting the upcoming Celebration of Hope auction and live event. YFC’s vision is to have a noticeable spiritual impact on Pierce County by engaging 11-19 year-olds in the lifelong journey of following Jesus Christ. YFC reaches young people everywhere, working together with […]



We have been supporting Stephanie Sauter through Cru for many years. You can help out individually by following the link below. What is Cru? Cru is a community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. Our purpose is helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith […]

Summer Interns

Summer Interns

We are pleased to announce the summer interns here at Believers Fellowship!   Maggie Moser will be working with Children’s Ministry.           Joe Moody will be working with with middle school.           Meghan Johnson will be working with middle school.         You can click […]

A new way of giving

A New Way of Giving

We are making a change in our electronic giving beginning in May. We are transitioning from Pushpay to a new way of giving using Planning Center Online (PCO). A brief PCO History As you are probably aware, we have added several components of PCO over the last few years. We have been using PCO Services […]

Spring Clean Up

Spring Clean Up

We are cleaning up the outside and inside on the same day! This year Our Spring Clean Up day is April 16 and we need two crews. One is for the outside and one is for the inside to make the building and grounds ready for Easter. The details for each are below. There is […]


Elijah Bible Study

Women’s Ministry presents a Thursday Night Bible Study on Elijah Join us for this 7-week study through the life of the prophet Elijah to discover how the fire on Mount Carmel was forged in the valley of famine. Learn how the emboldened, fiery faith you desire is being fashioned by God in your life right […]

Art of Marriage

The Art of Marriage

The Art of Marriage Live is a fun, interactive weekend with speakers Jeff and Stacy Kemp, (former Seattle Seahawks Quarterback). The event will be held at Lighthouse Christian Center in Puyallup April 1-2. About the Art of Marriage For more than four decades, FamilyLife has been helping couples discover God’s plan for relationships. Now, in […]

Connections Sunday

Connections Sunday 2021

Connections Sunday 2021 was August 29th. The weather was great for this outside event and many people signed up for Bible studies, service groups, missions and more. The hot dogs, cookies and lemonade were yummy too! If you missed Connections Sunday 2021, you can still see all the sign-up sheets in the foyer the next […]


New Office Assistant

We are pleased to announce that Stacy Kilcup is our new office assistant. Stacy is a long-time member of Believers Fellowship and has been involved with several of the groups at church. If you have attended any of the MOPS gatherings, you know Stacy well. Stacy will be working on Wednesdays and Thursdays so if […]



  We have been highlighting different local charities each month to raise money for them, especially during these difficult times. This gives you an opportunity to learn about them and partner with them through prayer and financial donations. This month, we are thrilled to establish a BFSM Fund. Believers Fellowship Student Ministry (BFSM) is unable […]

Snow Angels

Snow Procedures

Snow Days   If there is snow or ice on the roads in the Gig Harbor area, we will post right here on our Website, our Facebook page and we’ll send out a notification on our app, whether or not we will have a 9:30 a.m. in-person service. In any case, we will try to have one […]

College Outreach

College Outreach

College Outreach – Fall Goodie Boxes The Young Adult Ministry, college outreach team is getting ready to send out goodie boxes to our students who are away at school. Help us show our support and make sure these students know they are thought of, and prayed for, by our church body. We have over 40 […]

Women's Ministry Brochure

Women’s Ministry Brochure

Have you noticed that life is a bit different these days? We had to cancel Connections Sunday, which is usually held at the end of August. People like that day because it gives them a chance to sign up for various Bible Studies, service groups and volunteer opportunities. The Women’s Ministry Brochure is also available. […]

Kingdom of God Survey

Kingdom of God Survey

BF Kingdom of God Survey 2020 I would like to thank everyone who responded and finished the survey. When I have analyzed the results into graphs I will make them available to all who are interested. The results of the survey will finally be in Chapter 5 of my dissertation. Thanks again for your help […]

Adopt A Senior

Adopt a Senior

Believers Fellowship Student Ministries invites you to Adopt a Senior! What does this look like? Well, for the class of 2020 plans look a lot different! Remember your senior year in high school? Remember prom? Senior skip days? Signing year books? Spring sports? Graduation!? This year’s class is missing out on a lot! They are […]

Hospital Mask

Update: Hospital Mask Drive Successful!

March 26 Update: The response to the call for masks was strong and the hospital is set! We are looking for other essential industries to donate to (grocery stores, clinics, etc.). If you have homemade masks, we will still take them, but the call to make more has ended. We are still accepting N95 masks […]

New Children's Ministry Staff

New Children’s Ministry Staff

You may have noticed some new (but familiar) faces around here lately. Read all about our new Children’s Ministry staff. Nora Bentler joined our team in September and Karen Simmonds will be starting in January. New Faces Nora and her family (her husband Dave is an elder here at BF) have been attending Believers Fellowship […]

Kidstuction Building Project 2019

Kidstruction Update

The Kidstruction project has started and we are getting close to completing the first phase! Over the next few years, we will be developing a Family Ministry to equip parents to train their children in faith. This transition will mean new staff and new roles for existing staff, new family-focused curriculum, and new programs for […]

Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Electronic Newsletter

Are you signed up to receive our Weekly Electronic Newsletter and Sunday Preview? Electronic Newsletter If you miss a Sunday this summer, you can still stay in touch with your church. In fact, if you miss anytime during the year, we’ve got you covered. We have an electronic newsletter that goes out at the beginning of the […]

Jen Beth

Two New Hires

We are pleased to announce two new hires in the office at Believers Fellowship! First of all, Jen Bonham is no stranger to our church because she has been working with Student Ministry. She volunteered for several years and then we got smart and hired her. Now she has added office duties to her busy […]

Jeremiah Hinton

Jeremiah Hinton

Pastoral Residency For the last two years, Jeremiah Hinton has served as our pastoral resident—an educational position preparing him for full-time ministry. When we met Jeremiah, he was preparing for chaplaincy in the U.S. Navy. He had recently completed his Masters of Divinity, but discovered that the Navy requires chaplains to have 2 years of […]

New in Student Ministry: Jon Lucas

We have a big news update for BFSM! The elders have been searching for a full-time youth pastor to partner with the Student Ministries team here at Believers Fellowship! After months of praying, sifting through resumes, and interviews, we have moved forward, with God’s leading, to hire Jon Lucas! Jon will be partnering with our […]

Amazon Smile

Amazon Smile

Now you can donate to our church when you shop at Amazon! If you haven’t used, give it a try. If you are already using it, consider switching your charity to BF. There is no difference in prices or products but by using, Amazon donates 0.5% to any charity you choose. Use the […]

Gospel of John

Upcoming Book and Bible Studies

In addition to all the Women’s Ministries offerings (which you can find here) and all the Life Groups (which you can find here), there are also a few other upcoming book and Bible studies that you may be interested in. Sign up sheets are in the foyer until September 23, 2018 but you can also […]

App Home

The New App is Here

Our Believers Fellowship app has gone through a major update. It is now available in the App Store and on Google Play. If you have downloaded the BF app in the past, it will automatically update when you open it. If you don’t have it yet, you can search for “Believers Fellowship” in either the […]

Prayer Request

Prayer Request

Believers Fellowship has a Prayer Request email list for our church family. If you belong to BF and want our community to pray for you, just send an email to How to join the prayer list If you want to be included on the prayer list, you can send a message to the same […]

Shawn Turek

New Worship Director: Shawn Turek

We are very excited to announce that Shawn Turek has joined our staff as the new Worship Director! Shawn is joining us from Vancouver, WA, where he has served as a volunteer worship leader at Life Point Church while finishing his MA in Spiritual Formation at Multnomah Biblical Seminary. He also has a BA from […]

Sacred Spaces

Sacred Spaces

Sacred Spaces is a series in which we’ll consider the ways that the world is full of the presence and majesty of God. It can be easy to get into a routine that prevents the intrusion of God in our lives and it can be easy to forget to be still and know that He […]

Jeremiah Hinton

Jeremiah Hinton, Pastoral Resident

We are expanding the residency program at Believers Fellowship by taking on Jeremiah Hinton as a pastoral resident. He will be assisting with teaching and spiritual formation over the next two years. About Jeremiah After serving five years in the United States Navy, Jeremiah settled into Seattle to prepare for the call God had placed […]

Emergency Aid for Aleppo

We are partnering with Food for the Hungry to provide emergency aid for people fleeing the city of Aleppo, Syria due to the ongoing civil war. To date, more that 400,000 have been killed and over 10 million displaced (about 50% of the country’s pre-war population) by fighting in Syria. Aleppo has long been a stronghold […]

BF App Pic

New Believers Fellowship App

We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new Believers Fellowship App! It is available to download from Apple’s App Store or from Google Play. Now you can take BF with you on your phone or tablet! Highlights Look at all you can do: Listen to an audio sermon, view a video sermon, fill […]

Intergenerational Church Survey Results

In 2015, Matt Edwards conducted a survey for his doctoral dissertation on intergenerational churches. The results have been posted! You can read a short summary of the most significant findings or see the complete data. Thanks for helping with Matt’s research! He successfully defended his dissertation on February 10 and received his DMin from George Fox […]

Women's Ministries Mini Connections

Women’s Ministry

New Bible Studies have started and others are continuing. If you are new and want to get yourself plugged in to a Women’s Ministry event or activity, you can pick up a brochure in the foyer on Sunday or download one here. If you have any questions, contact Emily Roy at

Church Center

Welcome to Our New Website!

Welcome to our new website! We hope you like the new look and find it much easier to navigate, especially if you are using a phone or tablet. Our new Giving Page is now ready. You can find a link on our homepage or click here. We’ve added PayPal as an option in addition to […]