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New Believers Fellowship App

We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new Believers Fellowship App! It is available to download from Apple’s App Store or from Google Play. Now you can take BF with you on your phone or tablet!


Look at all you can do: Listen to an audio sermon, view a video sermon, fill out a Connect Card, send a Prayer Request, view the calendar, check out upcoming events, give via Pushpay, and more. You can even open up an online Bible to the book, chapter and verse we are teaching on for the upcoming Sunday.

The Details

Tap “Media” and you will have access to our audio sermon archive. If you prefer to watch, some of our sermons are on video.

Tap “Connect” and you will have three options. You can send a Connect Card, a Prayer Request (that we will send out as soon as we can), or open a link to our Facebook page.

Tap “Calendar” and you will have access to our public calendar that lists dates and times of all church events.

Tap “Events” and you will see details about major upcoming events.

Tap “Give” and you will be able to access Pushpay to donate or pay for an event.

Tap “Bible” and you will be automatically directed to this Sunday’s Bible book, chapter and verse.

Tap “About Us” (you might have to swipe left first) then tap on Believers Fellowship. You’ll find some basic info and a map. You can tap on links to call the main office, send an email to office staff or plot a route to the church using your map app.

Download Now

To get a free download of the app, use the links below, scan the QR code with your device or just search for Believers Fellowship in the App Store or in Google Play.

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