Find God. Be a Friend. Make a Difference.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

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 Women’s Winter Social

We’re taking over Davenport Coffee Shop on February 27 from 6:30-8:30, to gather as women, for no other purpose than to be social beyond Sunday morning!

Snacks and drinks are provided. This is a free event, but please sign up so we have some idea of a head count. Contact Emily Roy; with questions!

Lead Pastor Search

We are tremendously grateful to God for continuing to send many qualified applicants for our Lead Pastor position. Please be in prayer with our search committee for discernment, patience, unity, and joy in the process.

An update was sent out over email a week or so ago, and copies of this update are available at the Welcome Desk. You can also find the letter here. To have these updates automatically delivered to your inbox, please sign up for our newsletter on our website.

Get Your Gala Tickets!

This is a super-fun event for our whole community! Make sure you get your ticket today for the Student Ministries Tea Party Gala, the proceeds from which go toward missions and summer trips. We have the amazing opportunity to support our students and have a wonderful evening filled with food, entertainment, and fun items to win at auction!

Do you have something to donate to the Gala? Donations are due February 16! Please contact Stacy Kilcup, or pick up a procurement form in the foyer. If you are are willing to donate a dessert for our delicious and fun Dessert Dash, please email Julia Lucas.

The Gala evening is March 7th; tickets can be purchased in the foyer through February 16, or on Church Center Registrations. Limited childcare is available. Get your tickets today to secure your spot!

Bolivia Child Sponsorship

There is still a little time left to sponsor a child in Bolivia through Food For The Hungry. Child sponsorship is critical for community development and BF loves to support in this way. Please visit this link by the end of February, if you would like to help. Thank you!

Men’s Breakfast

Each month, Men’s Ministry provides an opportunity for the men of our church to get together. On March 1st, they are hosting a breakfast from 7:30-9 a.m., here at Believers Fellowship.

Join us as we spend time together in worship and fellowship. No need to register for this event! See you there.

Thank you & Save The Date

Children’s Ministry extends a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to all of our wonderful volunteers who served at our Family Valentine Party. You made the evening extra-sweet, and we appreciate the love you’ve shown!

Save the Date! More fun is headed your way with our Daddy Daughter Date Night, happening April 4th. This is very special evening that you won’t want to miss. Be on the look out for more information, coming soon!

Student Ministries Info

Middle School Students meet upstairs in the Student Sanctuary, second service only!

  • High School Connections is on break this week.
  • Middle School Upper Room is on break this week.

Connect and learn more by visiting High School or Middle School Ministries.

Sunday Schedule

Worship Leaders: Dale Nuckols

“Be Thou My Vision”
“Joy To Be”
“Lord I Need You”

Welcome: Cathy Williams

Message: Gary Albert
Sermon On The Mount
Matt. 5:17-20

Lord’s Supper/Response Time

“Great Are You Lord”

Closing Prayer


Are You New Here?

If so, we would like to welcome you and say thank you for joining us! Please click or tap here to fill out a visitor card so that we can follow up and get to know you! We would also like to see you at the Welcome Desk so we can give you a gift, make a connection, and answer any questions you might have! Be on the look out for a FIRST STEPS Class! This orientation class is designed to help you learn more about Believers Fellowship, grow in your faith, and connect with others in your church. Classes occur regularly, and sign-ups will be available on Church Center as the class approaches.

BF Online and In Person

In-person services are at 9:00 and 11:00, unless otherwise noted. Children stay with their parents during worship and will be dismissed to their classes later. This schedule may be modified for holidays.

We broadcast our 9:00 a.m. service. Click or tap here to view the live stream. If you watch on Facebook Live, you will have the chance to post comments and answer questions during the service. Feel free to comment after the service has ended as well.

Our worship services have two parts—worship and teaching. Nursery to age 2 can check in before service. Children ages 3 years through 4th grade are welcome to worship together with their family and then head to their classrooms when dismissed after worship and announcements.
Visitors: Please register your children, birth to Middle School at the Welcome Desk or kiosk in the main foyer.

Classroom Locations  (9:00 & 11:00)

Birth to 18 months: Bunny Room
18 months to 2 years: Bear Room
3 years old: Owl Room
4 years-Pre K: Raccoon Room
Kindergarten: Deer Room
Upcoming 1st-4th grade: Woodland Room
5th grade: Upstairs in the Loft, second service only.

There is a nursing area provided as you enter the women’s restroom in the main foyer.


Middle School go up to the Student Sanctuary, second service only.
High School students always stay in the main service for teaching time.

Join a Group or Register for an Event

Follow this link to Church Center where you can register for an event or join a group, including Bible Studies, small groups or volunteer groups.

How We Communicate Website:
Facebook page:
Live Feed:
Children’s Ministry Facebook page:
Student Ministry Facbook page:
Weekly Electronic Newsletter and Sunday Preview: Sign up on our website or email
Prayer List: Send an email to

To Give Online

Click here

You can also text any amount to 84321*

*Please be aware that msg & data rates may apply.