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Connections Sunday

Connections Sunday 2021

Connections Sunday 2021 was August 29th. The weather was great for this outside event and many people signed up for Bible studies, service groups, missions and more. The hot dogs, cookies and lemonade were yummy too!

If you missed Connections Sunday 2021, you can still see all the sign-up sheets in the foyer the next couple of weeks. To help you to decide, you can download the Women’s Ministries Brochure and look over the opportunities ahead of time.

If you are interested in serving as a volunteer, you can download a copy of the Service Groups Brochure to see all of the great opportunities to give back to the people of Believers Fellowship.

There are also two men’s studies available:

Mike Simoneaux is teaching “The Kingdom Christian Bible Study.” Contact him for more details.

Want to serve? Want to learn? We have it all. We want you to find a connection at Believers Fellowship!

If you have any questions about Connections Sunday, contact