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Sermons on Nehemiah

Nehemiah 10-12

Sunday, May 22: Steadfast Nehemiah 10–12 What’s your problem? Those are the words that opened our Steadfast series. Nehemiah certainly had a problem: the walls of Jerusalem were torn down and the city was a laughing stock to all of its neighbors. His problem was big and it seemed impossible to solve. This week we are going […]

Steadfast – Nehemiah 5:1-19

The name Nehemiah is often synonymous with leadership. He was an organizational wizard, a courageous soldier, and an inspiring communicator. He used his gifts and his influence to solve a problem that had defeated all of his predecessors, and he did all of this under constant threat of attack. But none of those things were […]

Steadfast – Nehemiah 2:1-20

Have you ever had one of those “ah-ha” moments when you finally realized what God was doing in your life? Sometimes, life doesn’t make sense. You look around and you think, “What in the world am I doing with my life? What in the world is God doing in my life? Does God even care […]