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Jacob – Genesis 30:25–43

Sunday, February 5: Jacob

Genesis 30:25–43

We have been journeying through the life of Jacob for a few weeks now. From his angel-heralded birth, to his deception of Esau and Isaac, to his vision of God, Jacob’s life has been full of drama. Now we’ve know from the beginning that Jacob would inherit the blessing of Abraham and Isaac, but Jacob’s story is one of him realizing that.To this point, Jacob’s greatest encounter with God was at Bethel, where he saw a vision of the heavens opened and the angels ascending and descending on a ladder. When he awoke from that dream, he proclaimed, “If God will be with me and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat and clothing to wear, so that I come again to my father’s house in peace, then the Lord shall be my God” (Genesis 28:20–21 ESV). Maybe not the strongest statement of faith—but it was a start.

Well, after fourteen long years laboring for his uncle Laban, in Genesis 30:25–43, Jacob is ready to go home (remember his statement of faith?). He’s ready to see if God will deliver on his promise.

But is he, really?

Now, Jacob’s years with Laban were rough. But even though he didn’t realize it at the time, God was using Laban to answer the prayer Jacob offered up in chapter 28.


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