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Moses Exodus – 2:11–3:12

Sunday, February 10: Moses

Exodus 2:11–3:12

Even for those who are not all that familiar with the Bible, almost everyone knows the story of Moses. If you’re on the younger side, you probably saw, The Prince of Egypt. If you’re a little older, you might remember Cecil B DeMille’s classic biopic, The Ten Commandments.

The life of Moses is the story of God sending a Deliverer to rescue his people out of slavery into freedom and then moving them forward to the future he has for them. But before all that happens in the life of the Hebrews, some things need to happen first in the life of Moses.

In other words, before Moses becomes Charlton Heston, before he gets into Pharaoh’s face and delivers the famous ultimatum, let my people go, God has some work to do in his life.

If you have only seen the movies about Moses, you don’t know the whole story. If you haven’t read the book, you may not know that he was a messed-up guy. In modern terminology, Moses had issues. The issues didn’t surface until he was an adult, but he had an unusual childhood that affected him later in life, up to and until, the Lord met him in an unusual way. See you on Sunday!


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