Find God. Be a Friend. Make a Difference.

I am with you Introduction

Imagine that you were one of Jesus’ disciples. You’ve traveled with Jesus for 3 years now and you’ve recently witnessed his most amazing work—raising his friend Lazarus from the dead. But just as Jesus’ ministry was starting to make sense and your excitement for the future was at its height, Jesus drops a bomb on you—He’s leaving. He promises that the kingdom of God will march on, but that it will march on without him.

This is the setting of the Upper Room Discourse—the last of Jesus’ great sermons. In it, Jesus predicts his death, says goodbye, and reminds his disciples that He will always be with them. They needed to hear this message, too, because he also sends them out into the world and promises that there will be opposition at every turn. “But take heart,” he says, “I have overcome the world.”

This week we will be starting a new sermon series called “I Am with You.” We will be studying the Upper Room Discourse—Jesus’ last sermon before his arrest and crucifixion. God is at work in our families, neighborhoods, and communities, and we have a part to play in it. As the Father sent Jesus, so He has sent us. He has not promised us that the work will be easy, but He has promised us that He is with us and that He wins in the end.

Join us this week as launch this encouraging new series on Jesus’ farewell message to his friends. See you on Sunday!


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