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The Coffee Oasis

The Coffee Oasis

The Coffee Oasis is afaith-based, non-profit organization that exists to change the world for homeless youth. The Coffee Oasis is made up of two things:coffee businessesandyouth programs. 

Our cafés provide community gathering places and serve our self-roasted coffee from direct-trade coffee beans. All proceeds from the businesses support the Oasis youth programs. The Oasis youth programs offer friendship, belonging, resources, and opportunity to ALL homeless and street-oriented youth, ages 13-25.  

Homelessness. Abuse. Violence. Poverty.

These are real problems affecting real kids in our community. Our goal is to be “out there.” Wherever they are. In the midst of whatever they’re going through. To compassionately guide youth out of homelessness and into lives of dignity, integrity and responsibility. To see not just the lives of youth changed, but for the world around them to change and become a place that cares for hurting youth.Our mission is to change the world for homeless youth. For twenty years The Coffee Oasis (a 501(c)3 non-profit organization) has offered hope and opportunity to homeless youth, ages 13-25, in Washington. Thousands of youth have found community and healing through the Oasis Youth Programs. 

Ways to get our church involved. 

What if the Church welcomed homeless youth into their lives, homes, and neighborhoods? The Coffee Oasis is motivated to love homeless youth becauseJesus first loved us. We strongly believe that the church is called to love the outcast, the forgotten, and the rejected. Our hope is that the local Church will rise up to love and care for the youth in their own backyard.  

 Click or tap here for links on ways to get involved, including: 






Believers Fellowship Connection 

BF Children’s Ministry has been hosting a supply drive! You can add your donations to theirs in the Office Foyer. Since they have been focusing on food donation, we thought we’d ask families to consider donating these needs: 

– Tents
– Sleeping bags (mummy bags)
– Backpacks (regular and camping)
Fast food gift cards
Gas gift cards

You can also support The Coffee Oasis financially by visiting our Giving page, using the BF App or by check. Just select The Coffee Oasis as the fund for electronic giving or write The Coffee Oasis on the memo line of your check.

For further information, visit The Coffee Oasis website, where you can learn about the history of the ministry, the café’s mission, the many types of youth programs offered, and all the facets of how they serve the community!