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Who is This Man

Daily Devotionals for Who is This Man?

Welcome to the Daily Devotionals for the sermon series “Who is This Man?” If you would like to download a copy, click here. There are also hard copies at the Welcome Desk.

This series is an opportunity to consider both the simplicity and the complexity of who Jesus is. The simplest way that we know Jesus is summed up in the song, “Jesus loves me, this I know,” but the complexity of who Jesus is has occupied lifetimes of study.

As we continue to pursue a life in imitation of Jesus, we never really leave our initial understanding behind, even as we begin to develop a richer understanding of him. Scripture gives us several ways of understanding Jesus, and we’ll be reflecting on these different roles each week.

This devotional series isn’t meant to be the final word on describing the person of Jesus, but instead it’s a chance to explore the truth of who Jesus is in a new way. I’m praying that as we communally learn, reinforce, or nuance our understanding of Jesus, our lives will be changed.

I’m praying over the times we spend in these devotions, that God would speak to us through them, spark conversation around them, and that in our study we all would be drawn further into the image and likeness of Jesus our good God.