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Living Refreshed Videos Online

Hi Friend ~

I wanted to share with you a bit about what you are holding in your hands.

I believe the greatest hunger of every human heart is to know the Creator; and in
that knowing, to experience His engagement in every aspect of their life, from the
brutal to the beautiful.

Part of the challenge of recognizing His ongoing Presence and activity in our own
life is due to our close proximity to our own story. We are the character on the
screen. Our struggle comes with being unable to pull back and see a more
expansive view of His activity; to gain a deeper perspective. We are hindered by
our up-close-and-personal placement within the story of our life.

When we choose to pull back the curtain on our own life and step forward into a
life of honest communal living with one another, we offer ourselves. In that
offering we afford others with an avenue to behold Him. Not because the life on
view is perfect, but because His faithfulness within our lives is without end.

The snapshots we offer each other depict the control we often long for in our life.
But the reel to reel version, gained within communal living, displays the love of a
Father who won’t let go in spite of our mishaps and mistakes. This is the version
of our life that brings hope to others. It inoculates us all against the daily lies of
the enemy.

We risk being judged and discarded. We open ourselves up to loss of reputation.
But oh, the possibility of gifting another with glimpses of Him, it’s worth the leap
of faith. Our lives were meant to be given away in the hopes of another seeing
Him for who He is.

So this is my offering to you. Coupled with the public telling of a piece of my
story, these are interactive devotional pieces reflective of His activity in my life
over the last several years.

May He be glorified across this screen of my life.

“Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my
soul.” (Psalm 66:16)

~Beth Moss


Session One video:

Session Two video:

Session Three video:

Session Four video (apologies for the poor audio in the first 1:15):

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