The church potluck is a time-honored tradition of gathering together and sharing what God has given to us. It’s a special time in that we’re all acting as guests and we’re all hosts, and we’ve all got something to bring to the table, even if it’s just our presence.
Who’s invited
Everybody! You can expect some young kids, some folks you already know, and some people you haven’t met yet. You’re more than welcome to invite guests, and to bring along visitors, neighbors, and friends.
When and where
We’ll give the children’s ministry time to get kiddos safely to their parents, and then meet in the Woodland Room at 12:30. Food can be pre-staged in the kitchen before then, and plates, utensils, and cups will be provided.
What to bring
So that we don’t have a church potluck that consists of just potato salad one week, and just fried chicken the next, we’ll rotate what to bring based on last name.
A – F: Desserts
G – S: Main dishes
T – Z: Side dishes
No need to register ahead of time, just show up and join us! More information is on Church Center.