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Philip Davis

Philip prepares the stage and tech booth for Sunday morning and other events at the church. He also fixes most things related to computers and audio equipment. If you don’t see Philip at a keyboard or with a bass in his hand on Sunday morning, he’s probably in the back on the sound board or running slides. Philip has worked at Believers Fellowship since 2010.

If you had a day completely to yourself (and you weren’t allowed to do something responsible), what would you do?

If I had a day completely to myself without being responsible I would sleep until I naturally woke up, play some video games and music, and continue learning something wherever I can.

Star Trek or Star Wars? Why?

This is a tough call, but Star Trek gets my vote. Don’t get me wrong, Star Wars is really cool and I had lightsaber battles like you probably did, but Star Trek takes me along for exploration. Star Wars, to me, is an epic struggle of good versus evil fought across galaxies to ultimately bring peace whether through power and fear or reasoning and love. Star Trek, on the other hand, is exploring new worlds and always learning something new about how space works. When they have to fight, they do so with great tactical intelligence. Even more than that, I see Star Wars as a sort of prequel to Star Trek because the people are united in an effort to learn more about the galaxies and their place in it rather than annihilating everyone who aligns with the wrong side.